АккордиусLLife Of AgonyThis Time

This Time

Аккорды с аппликатурами к песне "This Time"

Tune The Guitar 2 steps down, Life of Agony plays the Chords on the Bass
Guitar, so that's where they get that fat sound from.)

Notation Legend:
     : pick slide
^     : bend 1 tone up and release to original
H     : play artificial Harmonics on tone under H.
x     : palm muted chord
=3=X= : repeat chords above this sign 3 times

Riff A:		------------------------------------------------------------------


Riff B:		------------------------------------

Riff BB:	--------------------------------

Riff C             Fill C
--------------------      --------------------
--------------------      --------------------
--------------------      --------------------
-5-8-10-10^10--10-8-      -5-8-5-3------------
-5-8-10-10^10--10-8-      -5-8-5-3------------
-3-6-8--8 ^ 8--8--6-      -3-6-3-1--0-1-2-----

Riff D:		------------------------------------------------------

Fill D             Fill E         Fill F (End)
-----------      -----------------      ---------------
-----------      -----------------      ---------------
-5--9--2---      -2-2-2-2-2-2-2-2-      -5-xx-4-5-4-3-
-5--9--2---      -2-2-2-2-2-2-2-2-      -5-xx-4-5-4-3-
-3--7--0---      -0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-      -3-xx-2-3-2-1-

Now the song goes in this order:
Riff A   2x  (first time alone, second time with drums)
Riff B   4x
Riff BB  1x
Riff C   1x
Fill C   1x
Riff C   1x
Riff B   3x
Riff D   1x
Riff A   2x  (The rhythm is different here but I don't bother to
              tab that out, just listen to the CD and you'll get it)
Riff BB  2x
Riff B   3x
Fill D   1x
Fill E   7x
Riff C   1x
Fill C   1x
Riff C   1x
Riff B   3x  (this is when the solo is being played)
Riff D   1x
Riff A   2x  (The Rhythm is different again)
Fill E   8x
Fill F   1x
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